More Core Strengthening Fun!
While the activities described in Part 1 are perfect for targeting core strengthening specifically, sometimes good old fashioned play activities can have just as much benefit. Below is a list of awesome ideas for play:
- Swimming
- Negotiating an obstacle course
- Climbing up a slide instead of sliding down
- Swinging
- Crab walking

Sometimes, simply performing a motor skill is a perfect activity in and of itself. Looking for a quick, easy, do-it-anywhere, no set-up required way to practice gross motor skills? Crab walking is that activity.
WHAT TO DO: Have your child sit on her bottom, place her hands on the floor behind her, push up and start moving. Crab walk to the bathroom to brush your teeth, crab walk to the door to get your shoes, crab walk to the kitchen and get a drink, crab walk ANYWHERE. Inside, outside, at home, at school. It’s as simple as that and so very beneficial!
HOW TO CHANGE IT UP: Try it on varied surfaces (inclines, declines, hard, soft, etc.). For extra work on core stability and body awareness, place something on your child’s belly and see if she can crab walk without it falling off. Do a crab dance…lift one hand up and hold it for 5. Try a foot. Amazing core work!
SKILL AREAS ADDRESSED: Bilateral coordination, strength, trunk stability, motor control, body awareness, Playing Row Row Your Boat
From the time they’re born, kids love to rock and sway. Gentle, repetitive vestibular input is calming and organizing to the nervous system. A few minutes of gentle rocking back and forth is often enough to help a little one regroup and move on if he’s feeling overwhelmed. Set sail with these fun and easy activities that emphasize core strength and calming vestibular input!
1 – Partner Row: Have two children position themselves so that they’re facing each other, either cross legged or with knees bent and the soles of the feet touching. Tell them to reach out and hold hands in front of their bodies and begin to alternately push and pull so that their upper bodies rock forward and backward with each motion, like they’re rowing a boat.
2 – Rock and Roll: This one can be done with an adult, or kids can try on their own. In a cross legged position with your child on your lap, start by rolling backward onto your back. Then, using your legs and abs (this is a good workout for mom/dad too!) roll back up to sitting again. Repeat this motion, rolling forward and backward like a boat on the waves. This activity has the added benefit of full-body deep pressure input, as the child is cuddled up on your lap. Have kids try it independently: sitting with knees bent (feet on the floor in front of them), they can roll down onto their backs and then up to sitting again.
3 – Standing Sway: Stand facing the child holding both hands out in front. Slowly extend your arms, the child keeping his body straight and leaning backward and then pull the child gently back toward you. Repeat this rowing motion.
HOW TO CHANGE IT UP: Sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat or another favorite song as you do each of the activities, rocking/rolling/swaying to the rhythm of the song to add to the calming effect. Experiment with moving fast and slow – have the child be the captain of the boat, telling you how to move!
SKILL AREAS ADDRESSED: Trunk stability, sensory integration, strength, social skills, proprioception, motor control, grasp
Playing tug of war

A great activity for the whole family.
These fun activities and games are a great way to strengthen the core without your child even realizing that they are doing it. Give some of them a go, and enjoy!
BSc Physio (WITS)
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