The importance of pause exercises

The negatives of sitting too much Have you noticed after you have been sitting for prolonged periods you start to feel uncomfortable, tense, fatigued, and may even start to lose concentration? This happens at work when you are writing or using a keyboard, doing repetitive tasks, sitting at long meetings, or at home doing some knitting. Our bodies don’t like being in one position. Posture easily becomes slumped and unbalanced and this can become permanent unless you move your body … Read More

Here are my top tips for preventing neck pain

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Headaches are one of the most common things seen and treated by physiotherapists. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that around 47% of the adult population suffer from a headache at least once during a year. Specifically, Tension-type Headaches. Physios assist with these headaches due to their cause being related to muscular tension or a musculoskeletal problem in the neck. These headaches can be suffered by up to 70% of the population due to the high prevalence of office workers and sedentary related … Read More